
Always FREE SHIPPING on 4 or more coffees and 5 lb bags.

dark roast coffee

ROAST: Medium

REGION: Americas

ORIGIN: Guatemala



DRYING: Sun Dried

GUATEMALA Huehuetenango Organic

Smoky, Caramel, Smooth

GUATEMALA Huehuetenango Organic

Smoky, Caramel, Smooth

  • Certified organic coffee logo
  • Fair trade coffee logo


Notes from the Roaster

Grown and harvested in the limestone enriched soil of the mountains of Sierra de los Cuchumantes by the farmers of the 650-member ASPROCDEGUA Co-op (Asociación de Productores de Café Diferenciados y Especiales de Guatemala), we roast to a full city level (at the far end of a medium roast).  Brews up a very smooth cup of coffee marked with smoky and caramel notes.

Certified organic by GCIAOCP, Athens GA

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